SRC Events

Wow it has been a very busy few weeks indeed for our SRC students. Students have committed themselves and dedicated their time towards the many significant events and fundraising activities around the school. Some of these have been the Twilight Movie Night, Clean Up Australia Day, Harmony Day, Sun Smart Campaign, Earth Hour Awareness and of course The RCH Good Friday Appeal.

Thanks to the hard work and efforts of the SRC team, Ms Eser, students, parents and the whole school community; we’re very proud to announce the total raised from the Money Trail event was $479.90. Along with $350 from the Harmony Day donations we will be sending $1,897.60 to the Royal Children’s Hospital ahead of the Good Friday Appeal. We are so happy with our results and hope with true sincerity that our donations make a difference to the lives of children just like us. Thank you all so much.

Mr Michael, Mrs Nalan and all of Sirius College teachers are very proud of their efforts. Well done Guys. Keep up the awesome work!

Click images to enlarge

All the wonderful things we have been doing.

Drama Department

As part of Drama this Term, the Year 5’s created Anti-Bullying skits which were performed in Anti-Bullying week for the younger year levels. These performances were original scenes developed in a short amount of time and depicted what they saw bullying as and how they would resolve it.

Harmony Day

On Tuesday the 21st of March we celebrated Harmony Day at our school. Our teacher gave us some special responsibilities. By the end of the day we were very tired but we were happy because we had fun. Our school is made up of children and teachers who come from different backgrounds and have a different culture. Harmony Day gave us the opportunity to celebrate our differences. We ate food from different cultures, dressed up in our traditional clothes or wore orange.

We learnt the meanings of special words such as inclusiveness and unity. We learnt that diversity makes us stronger. Some of us may look or dress differently from the outside, but we are all the same on the inside. We should all feel like we belong and are accepted. We know that our differences are special and it is what makes us unique. Therefore, everyone who lives in Australia should feel like they belong and are not left out. Everyone should be treated with respect and fairness. We did lots of activities on Tuesday. The teachers had a yummy breakfast. Miss Sozer showed us some photos and we were jealous. We helped our teacher display lots of art work in the corridors.

In the morning we greeted the parents waving our flags. Miss Sozer said our music teacher Mr Christian was a flag professor and a bit of a genius. Mr Christian was able to name over one hundred flags from countries around the world. We also handed out some lollies and poems about diversity. We made some colourful diversity bracelets using beads. We invited parent helpers to do henna art. It was so awesome, even the boys wanted to get it done. We even made a Harmony Day video. In the end we all felt special and had an enjoyable day.

Grade 4C Children